Vol.4 Sunburn of the eyes

Do you use sun protection for your eyes? Many people take sun protection measures for their faces and bodies, but not for their eyes.

Exposure to large amounts of UV radiation can cause various problems and strain the eyes.


How eye sunburn caused

When eyes are exposed to UV rays, the levels of so-called reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase. These have the ability to oxidize other substances, damaging the cornea and lens of the eye. This is what characterizes eye sunburn.


Furthermore, the UV rays entering the eyes can cause skin tanning. When UV rays enter the eyes, the brain detects them and produces melanin pigments in the body.



Damage caused by sunburn in the eyes
Symptoms that appear immediately

Dry eyes, eye pain, glare, feeling as if something stuck in the eyes, tearing, and so on.


These symptoms are also characteristic of eye tiredness. However, if you are exposed to strong sunlight at ski resorts or beaches, eye sunburn is the most likely cause. Symptoms began to appear 6–24 h after prolonged UV exposure.

Eye disorders caused by prolonged UV damage:


In a pterygium, the conjunctiva invades the nasal side of the cornea. If the conjunctiva penetrates the center of the cornea, eyesight falls; therefore, it must be removed.



Cataract is a disease that causes visual impairment due to lens clouding. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 20% of cataracts are caused by UV rays.


・Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration causes symptoms such as distorted vision, loss of vision, and blurred or dark vision in the center of the visual field.



Protection for the eyes
(1) Use a hat or parasol

Unlike the skin, the eyes cannot be exposed to sunscreen; therefore, a wide-brimmed hat or parasol is used to protect the eyes from UV rays. Hats and parasol have the added benefit of providing sunscreen protection not only for the eyes, but also for the skin.

(2) Use of sunglasses

UV damage to the eyes can be prevented with the use of sunglasses.


Points to consider when selecting sunglasses:

(1) Selecting standardized products labeled as sunglasses.

(2) Choosing a pair of sunglasses that is not dark.


Regarding these two points, when wearing dark-colored sunglasses, you cannot see your surroundings clearly; therefore, the pupils open, and the area of UV rays entering the eye increases. Glasses with inadequate UV protection allow harmful UV rays to enter the eyes. However, dark-colored UV-cut glasses are suitable for seaside and snowy surface environments where the sun is very strong.

(3) Supplement with nutrients that are effective in UV care

Supplementation with a nutrient called “lutein” represents a proactive measure to protect eyes from sunburn. Lutein suppresses the action of ROS that cause sunburn in the eyes, as well as reducing the effects of UV rays.


Foods rich in lutein include green and yellow vegetables, such as spinach and pumpkin, as well as fruits, such as blueberries and blackcurrants.




“Know and Prevent Harmful Ultraviolet Rays: To Live Well with the Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays”, by Masako SASAKI and Ryoichi KAMIDE (2008), Shonen Shashin Shinbun-sha

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