NIDEK Spirit
NIDEK Spirit
Purpose of Establishment
Our business is to design,
manufacture and sell instruments to realize the following dreams:
(i) invisible to visible
(creating vision)
(ii) visible to recognition
(obtaining better recognition through vision)
(iii) eye instruments
(making excellent products for vision)
To achieve the above, NIDEK, which has a character unique to other optical and electronics companies,
was born.NIDEK should exist even in the 21st century and its business fields are as follows:
(a) medical equipment
(b) laborsaving instruments
(c) calculator and peripheral devices
(d) others
* Above statement is original since the establishment.
Five Principles of Management
1.The purpose of management is to build better lives for employees.
2.The basis of corporate management is well-balanced mixture of rationalism and humanism.
3.Pursuing profit thoroughly
4.Profits are shared with concerned parties.
5.Human resources are important assets. Focus on Human Resources Development.

In April 2021, in commemoration of our 50th anniversary, we created our new symbol and changed our logo. While this symbol continues using the image of an eye, the elegant lines shaped like an “N” express the growth of NIDEK. The symbol has a design that gently wraps the earth as well as the eye which expresses our aim to be a global company.
Our founder observed many companies when he studied in the US and was very impressed that they were succeeding in business even when they were not located in a large city. Though we started our business with only seven employees, we had a strong will that we would make in Gamagori products that rank among the best of the world.
The bright blue color expresses the global market (the ocean) at which NIDEK should aim.This also illustrates our founder’s enthusiasm to “row out from Gamagori to the wide oceans of the world.”

Business Domain
NIDEK expanded its business domain to “Eye & Health Care” on our 25th anniversary in 1996. “Eye” also means “take a look” and “learn about” in Chinese characters.The new business domain represents NIDEK’s dreams to contribute to human health, extend average life expectancy and provide a healthy and comfortable life.
Corporate Policy: Three “AI’s”
We have three basic attitudes that we value in conducting our business, and we believe it is important to combine these three elements.
KIGAI – Strong will
The most important element. The strong will to try challenging and overcoming difficulties even if it seems impossible.
CHIGAI – Differentiations
This element means making possible what others cannot and being a valuable company forever by differentiating NIDEK from other companies. Among many competitors, NIDEK will be No.1 with unique products, promotional activities and services. Chigai is an important element for every aspect of our work.
SEKAI – Global
Since its foundation, NIDEK has been expanding its business all over the world. NIDEK aims to become a company that contributes to people all over the world by driving the global market with our products and service. It is important to understand differences in nationality and culture. Moreover, by cooperating as a NIDEK global team we will become the No.1 leading company in the world.
Tagline is to offer impressive products and service for our customers. We want their experience with our products to be the same feeling as they have when viewing fine art.