Multifunction Edger


  • Comprehensive technology to deliver expert lens edging
  • Automatic 3D drilling
  • High base curve processing
  • Multi/mini beveling
  • Step beveling / partial step processing
  • Design cut
  • User friendly

Detailed Information

Automatic 3D drilling
Various hole shapes such as slots, notches, counterbored holes, and jewel holes can be performed. A maintenance message notifies the operator when drill bits need replacing.


High base curve processing
NIDEK’s unique front and rear independent grinding function offers a high base curve bevel with flawless results. The position and height of the bevel can also be manually controlled.



Multi/mini beveling
Highly customizable, asymmetrical bevel permits lenses to be perfectly fitted into various eyewires. Mini beveling is also available with a single touch of the button.



Step beveling / partial step processing
With step beveling, Rx lenses can be easily inserted into sunglass frames, which are traditionally difficult to fit. The partial step processing grinds Rx lenses for specialty-type sport frames.
Maximum lens size: ø67 mm (type PLB-8S), ø72 mm (type PLB-2R8S)



Design cut
Bespoke lens shapes can be designed creatively by utilizing the drill bit as a milling tool.


User friendly

The distinctive design of the ME-1500 is in the pursuit of ergonomics and ease of use. A full-scale display and jog dial offer smooth data entry. The assistant functions make workflow more efficient, even for beginners.

Intuitive 3D bevel simulation

Advanced shape editor

Jog dial for smooth data entry



The availability of products differs from country to country depending on the status of approval.
Specifications and design are subject to change without notice.